Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Since everyone keeps asking...
Anh is 8 months old exactly! We don't know how much he weighs, but we are guessing it is more than 20 lbs. He is mobile and vocal - loves to talk. And, he is pulling himself up to standing on his own and will take steps if I hold his hands. I think it is amazing that his little legs can bear all that weight :-) The other families here think he will be walking before we go home. This is somthing of a problem, because 1) we are stuck in a hotel room waiting for the phone to ring and 2) because we are NOT prepared for quite so mobile of a little boy back home! I guess we will just have to adjust.
He is sort of sleeping through the night. He woke up once last night and wanted a bottle, then wanted to play for a little while, but Patrick rocked him back to sleep. Then he was out until we woke him up in the morning.
We found out today that he was being fed some rice cerial, so we went out and bought cerial and baby food. Boy did his eyes light up when we started preparing "real" food! And he grinned the whole time he was eating it. One problem, he wants to feed himself, but mostly just gets it all over the place. He even ate some banana and was eyeing my pizza.
Unfortunately, we haven't had our G&R (the official Vietnamese adoption ceremony) yet. Without that we can't get Anh's passport, which we need to get our first US Embassy appointment for his visa to come home. Apparently, the Embassy is slowing down, so there are no appointments until next week and then it will take another week for our second appointment. Yeah, these babies might be terrorists! There is now the possibility it will take us longer than 3 weeks to complete this part of the adoption!
Wish us luck and good carma and all that, that things will go smoothly and quickly!
P.S. We have chosen the name Quinn but are still calling him Anh. Old habbits are hard to break!


Anonymous said...

Hey-you never know what that kid could be packing in his diaper!

Great pics! He definately looks well cared for . . .

And I love the name Quinn!

Hi Quinn!!

Anonymous said...

Wow -- I'm an aunt! Quinn Pinson. I like that. He is so adorable. And growing so quickly. Can't wait to meet my little nephew.

Anonymous said...

BTW-I mailed in my application today . . .