Hmmm, where to start?
Well, Anh is having a much harder time adjusting to a new sister than we were expecting. He is acting like a baby with the whole goo goo ga ga thing and wanting a bottle etc. If Tam comes near me, he becomes very clingy or tries to crawl all over me. On the other hand, Tam is very physical and tends to fight to get her way, which is, I'm sure, a result of living in the orphanage. She will walk right up to Anh and smack him on the face and poor Anh, who is so gentle, just stands there stunned. For the first few days he would just come crying to me that Tam hit him, but by then it was too late to redirect her. Unfortunately, he has now started to become physical with her - pushing and kicking her just to make a point.
Well, it sounds worse than it is, and most of the time they get along just fine. In fact, Tam seems to adore Anh and follows him around copying everything he does. He is very gentle with her and loves to kiss and hug her (which she sometimes even allows). Tonight I caught a cute picture of them playing together, which I would post if the internet was working properly.
Can't wait to hear about the homestay . . .
Poor Anh-he if officially a big brother!
Do you have a better idea now of how old Tam is?
Hey you guys! I dropped Mia off at Seven Stars this morning and Deb and Chris had downloaded the story of you picking up Tam...then I had to run to work to catch up on all the news. much going on..I hope things get easier and easier for all of you--although it sounds like there are many happy moments too! I imagine adjusting to the big brother thing (especially so quickly and with a sister who can already fight back--well actually a sister who starts the fights) is pretty tough. We absolutely can't wait to see Tam--who is absolutely adorable and looks so much like Anh it's amazing! I met Phoebe the other day and she actually looks a heck of a lot like Anh and Tam too!
Mia had to adjust to the fact that Anh wasn't at Seven Stars and she's starting to have a lot of questions about babies and where they live and who takes care of them before their families come to pick them up.
We miss you guys a lot! We talk about your family every day and tonight I will show Mia your blog (somehow I forgot about it...) and get everyone up to date.
Congratulations you guys! Tam is beautiful and Ahn looks quite proud as the big brother! We can't wait to meet her at the next birth to three gathering!
Much love,
Jen, Danny, Maya and Finley
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