Friday, November 11, 2005

Time moves like molasses

Time keeps ticking by and we are no closer to adopting then we were a month ago. We are still waiting for our fingerprints to return from the state, which is as slow as you would expect. The prints were sent to the state on October 17th, so I really don't expect any word before December 17th. Then with the holidays and all, I can't imagine we will start our homestudy until the beginning of the new year. Our timing just seems to be so off.
I'm also still waiting on my birth certificate from the fine state of Michigan. They had no problem cashing my check over a month ago, but still no word. Our other certificates are already back, which makes me wonder if I sent my request to the wrong office. You would hope that they would at least let you know if there was a problem. I even went so far as to reorder the certificate over the internet today. It should only take about 2 weeks, according to their website.
Patrick is continuing to attend the pre-adopt classes without me. I'm a bit jealous that he gets to meet and talk with other people who are adopting. I hope that he is getting lots of good information. When I get home I'll grill him. :-)
I guess this is going to be another short entry, but everything is moving so slowly that there is nothing much to tell.....

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