Well, I have been a bit hesitant to post anything in the past few weeks because of all the adjustments that have been taking place. I'll say that it was a very rough start for us. I now know why they say that having 2 is much more than double the work. When you have one, you can pour all of your attention into that one child. In many ways they begin to act like little adults as they mimic your behavior. Add a second and all of a sudden you have 2 *children*. Every second of your day is occupied by managing their interactions (at least until they learn to do it themselves). So, these past weeks I have been tied up trying to teach Anh and Tam how to live together. Finally, finally, they are starting to PLAY TOGETHER! Yes, yesterday morning they were having so much fun together that I actually had time to wash the dishes. Sure wish I had gotten pictures of that! Here is a cutie to show how they sometimes get along....

And if you follow the link on the right -------> I am trying to keep all my newest photos there.