Anh took his first real steps today! After all of these months of thinking that at any moment he would walk, there it was...... and in my lab, no less. Perhaps he was scared of the thought of all the Science around, perhaps he was just ready. Anh has been taking single steps as of late, but today he actually took 5 steps in a row, without falling.
Kids really are amazing! Just when you start to wonder how you can possibly juggle all the different aspects of your life, he throws a little surprise like walking... or like trying to kiss you on his own volition. What a sweetheart.
Hmmm, what else does Anh do? Well, he:
1. Talks a lot. Ok, so he doesn't really say anything understandable except dada, mama, and dog, but he sure loves hearing himself talk! He also loves to sing along with us - he doesn't yet know how bad we sound :-)
2. Takes toys out of containers and puts them back in again. You may say big deal, but I think it is pretty cool that he can pick up after himself.
3. Eats a ton! Yes, this boy will eat anything and his favorites are beans, beef (he takes after his fater) and most veggies. Unfortunately, milk products seem to give him excema, so no scoopy for him.
4. Wake up every morning between 3 and 5 am. Not so cool, but we are hoping he grows out of this in the not too distant future. For now, we are rewarding this behavior by bringing him into bed with us. Such softies.
Of course there are plenty more Anh tricks that I could list, but just wanted to give out a little taste.
The next phase of our remodel - kitchen and bath - begins in less than a month. Hopefully, I'll be able to post some of those pictures!